28 Reasons to Start Blogging for Business
Taking your business online is now easier than ever before. But, to survive online is harder than ever before.
For the widening of your business online, you need proper content marketing, digital marketing, and social media marketing strategies.
Content is still the fundamental pillar of your marketing strategy, and that is why you need to start blogging for your business.
A perfect blend of blogging and social media is still a key to promote your business online. However, many small and new business owners are still hesitant to give blogging for business a try. They are missing out on a lot of opportunities for sure!
Many people find it very intimidating and time-consuming when they think of starting a business blog. But, once you start, you can find the efforts are paying you off well.
Below, we have listed some genuine reasons to start a business blog for your business.
Table of Contents
28 Reasons to Start Blogging for Your Business
#1 Target Potential Client
Through blogging, you are putting yourself in front of potential clients as an industry expert. Blog posts do not necessarily advertise your products or services directly, but it works in a passive way.
You promote your services through a story which does not sound like a boring sales pitch but also has the power to convince your potential client.
#2 Boost Website Traffic
Quality content is still the best way to bring in traffic to your website organically. If you create content that solves the problems of your target audience, they will keep coming to your website for that solution and will increase the traffic.
#3 Establish Yourself as An Industry Expert
Also, when you share your expert tips, and tricks on a specific subject, it attracts many visitors and you present yourself as an industry expert. Once you establish an authority, you become a go-to resource for the readers for relevant information and solutions. So, you as a business owner, need to start blogging for your business that constantly publishes and distributes useful and detailed information.
#4 Build A Community
A successful business blog communicates, collaborates and share thoughts with the readers. It happens in the form of comments under the post. Whenever a reader posts a comment, read and reply to it. It helps you to create a community and, in the process, you get to earn a lot about your audience who may eventually become your clients.
#5 One-To-One Connection
You can come up with numerous blogging ideas that are not always related to your business and products. You can add humor, emotion and other personal touches to make your blog more approachable and this way your readers get to connect with you.
#6 Storytelling Helps You to Connect with Your Customers Emotionally
As a businessman, one of the primary intentions that you should be having is to be on the same radar as your customers so that you can understand their needs and demands. It helps you to improve your offerings. You can only provide customer satisfaction when you connect emotionally with them. A formal type of conversation may not be beneficial in this aspect. Blogging for business is a better approach as you can make it more personalized and touch the right chords as and when needed.
#7 Convert Visitors into Leads
When you are marketing or running a business through the online portal, customers should not only visit the sites but also make purchases. The way you present yourself is significant in this aspect, and blogging for business is an attractive way of doing so. Blogs are write-ups that most people are interested in reading. If they find it interesting, the chances are that they will develop a certain trust in you and make that purchase so that your business can go forward. You can even ask them to share your blogs so that more people can reach out to you.
#8 Let the World Know What Is Your Business All About
The most important role of blogging for business is to ensure that it has a global audience. Nowadays, everything is done online, including business, and it is also a potent method for reaching out to maximum people. It is due to this sole fact that social media has become so famous these days. You can either have independent blog sites or post them on your social media handles. You will be surprised to see the number of people visiting your website. While doing the SEO for websites, doing thorough research on keywords is essential. Therefore, while doing the content writing for website, make sure you include all these keywords.
#9 New Contents Give People Reasons to Keep Coming Back to Your Website
Everyone wants something new and unique all the time, and it is imperative that you provide them with that so that they remain interested in what you have to offer. Content writing for websites is the trump card here as you can introduce new and exciting stuff to the mass through this. You should also give them the option of subscribing to your newsletter so that they keep receiving updates from time to time.
#10 The Readers Start to Have Trust in You and Eventually Buy Your Services
Gaining the trust of the customers is very important if you want them to make any purchase. They do not see the product with their own eyes but are dependent on the virtual or visual representation and feedback from others. A blog helps an online business to represent themselves more professionally, and it gives the buyers a sense of security.
#11 Blogs Showcase Your Leadership Quality and Authority
When you write blogs, you show the world that you have a deep insight and knowledge of the trade and the products that you are selling. It also portrays that you can speak for yourself and are ready to answer any queries or face any impending issues if needed. If you are not an expert in content writing, try to hire some content writing experts to help you achieve the goal.
#12 Current Customers Get Engaged to Your Brand
You already have some customers but do not know how to keep them with you? Are you thinking about how to be on top of their mind? Use the power of the blog to build a solid and long-term relationship with your current customers. Keep them engaged in your brand by offering them product guides, case studies, new or upcoming product features, helpful tips, etc. All these can be included in your blogging ideas and content marketing strategies.
#13 Generates More Inbound Links to Your Site
Getting inbound links in the form of hyperlinks is still one of the most important ranking factors according to Google. But, how to do that? By creating interactive and interesting content that your readers would want to link to. Companies that blogs through their site see up to 97% more backlinks than the one who don’t blog.
#14 Your Blog Represents Your Brand’s Voice
Blogging for business is not just a tool that enhances the sales process. It is the real voice of your brand that speaks for you on your behalf. A blog gives you the flexibility to showcase your brand’s personality, value, achievements, and goals.
For example, Starbucks uses a very simple and clean looking blog using Medium to interact with the like-minded coffee lovers around the world. Most of their blog posts get a lot of engagements in the form of comments. They know how to emphasize their brand voice through blog posts among a dedicated community.
Starbucks – simple business blog layout
#15 Your Blog Also Works as Customer Service
With a proper content marketing strategy. A blog can serve as customer support. You update your blog with regular contents that provide a solution to your customers. It can be related to your products and services or any third-party services. Create product descriptions, how-to guides, tips, and tricks, etc., which work as customer service indirectly. The more solution you provide to your customers, the more loyal they become to your brand.
#16 Helps You to Manage Your Online Reputation
Online reputation management is an intrinsic part of your branding strategy. A well-informed and well-written blog posts is a building block for your brand’s reputation management. The blog helps you to humanize your brand which is willing to assist others and provide solution without pushing sales pitch.
#17 Gain A Competitive Advantage
In this competitive market, many companies are providing the same services like you. However, no two companies are truly similar. But, how do you show that you are unique? How do you present your personality and experience that makes you different than the others? By blogging for your business. Through your blog, you give your best to prove your worth. With proper content strategy and keyword analysis, you can beat your competitors to direct the target audience to your website.
#18 Content Marketing Reduces the Marketing Cost
Content marketing is cheaper than the traditional form of marketing. It can reduce the cost per lead by 67%.
According to a study by Kapost, content marketing costs 31% less than the paid search and over time can produce three times more leads.
Also, via content marketing and blogging for business, you can reach a wider audience worldwide which is not possible through traditional marketing.
#19 Helps You to Compete with Your Competitor
Blogging is one of the most important aspects of content marketing strategy. It provides businesses a platform to show their existing and potential clients that they are superior to their competitors. Blogging for business has become very important.
Companies use blogs to share their knowledge and unique insights about their business, which they have learned through their years of experience. This unique insight gives the company a competitive edge over its competitors. When the readers read such unique blogs, they acknowledge the companies experience and expertise. Furthermore, unique and informational blogs result in building customer’s trust in the company. More the trust, higher are the chances of getting more business.
Blogs can also be used by companies to answer customer queries. Buyers prefer companies which give them the importance and clear their doubts and queries regarding the concerned product or service.
#20 More Insights into Your Target Audience
Another reason which makes blogging for business an essential part is that it provides companies a better opportunity to understand it’s audience’s needs and requirements. By analyzing blogs, companies can check what kind of topics are liked by the viewers. They can cover these topics in their blogs and post them on their site. When the viewer’s get all the required information at one place, they will not switch to a competitor’s website. Hence the company will earn its viewer’s loyalty.
Many companies are using blogging for SEO purpose. Businesses go through customer’s comments and try to answer the questions asked by them. Furthermore, reading through customer comments provides an insight into customer’s feeling towards the product. This would further enable companies to clear their customer’s doubts regarding their product or services. Hence, increasing the chances of the sale.
#21 Improves SEO
If you are looking to improve your company’s visibility on search engines, then focus more on Blogging for SEO. The viewers always appreciate Fresh, unique, and informational blogs. Incorporating blogging for business on your company’s website would also help in improving your company’s ranking. Just identify your target keyword and post more and more blogs based on those targeted phrases on your websites. Using different keyword phrases will also help in widening your reach as well as the search traffic.
Moreover, a unique and well-written blog may also help your company in getting more links as viewers love sharing such kind of blogs on various social networking sites.
#22 Enhances Your Own Expertise
Blogging also helps the company to stay up to date as far as their industry is concerned. To attract viewers, you have to work hard to be the first one to write about upcoming trends, policies, upgrades, and advancements. Searching for such information would expand your knowledge about your industry.
#23 Provides Content to Share on Social Media
To mark your presence online, having your presence felt at various social media platforms is very important. One of the simplest and easiest ways of achieving this goal is through blogging. Blogs provide numerous opportunities for sharing new content on social media. Posting a new blog on your social media profile will open gates for new comments and discussions. On a positive note, you may end up getting lots of attention for your company.
Good post results in social shares, which means more viewers. More the viewers more will be the traffic towards your site. This further increases the chances of conversions.
#24 Helps You to Grow an Email List
If you want to opt blogging for SEO purpose, then you have to keep on adding new and fresh blogs to your website and social media platforms. If the audience finds your blog informational, they may even like to sign up for notifications. This means new e-mail ids will be added to your lead list. You can convert these leads into your customer by offering them discounts or freebies.
#25 Through Blogging, You Can Provide In-Depth Materials to Your Readers
Although the content in the form of video, slides, etc., can provide a viewer with a lot of information, but when it comes to learning every bits and pieces of any subject, be it be a product or service, people love to read long-form texts. You can explain the readers with supporting materials, data, infographics, quotes, and so on.
#26 Blogging Also Works as Advertising
Your business blog works as an advertisement for your business. Blogging for business even has the potential to do better than the traditional banner ads. Research shows that people like to read blogs to know about a company, their goal, achievements, authority, etc.
#27 Blogging Helps You to Grow Your Network
For any business, networking is the most essential key to grow. Growing your network doesn’t have to solely depend on social media. Your blog can do wonder to introduce you and your business to many new potential customers. Your business blog is a great place to start a conversation with a large audience. To do so, keep your comment section open, reply to as many comments as possible, and encourage the readers to share your posts.
#28 You Can Navigate Your Visitors to The Page You Want
Through your blog, you have ample opportunities to navigate the readers to different pages of your website including the sales pages. As the emotion grows, the readers don’t mind getting navigated to different places and eventually, a few of them end up buying your products or services.
Final Thoughts
Blogging for your business is always a profitable investment. Once you jump into it, you will start getting rewards eventually, and you will have many opportunities of triumphing over the odds.
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Sourav Paul, I actually started blogging because I enjoy writing. However, your post tells me the many ways my business may prosper if I utilise blogging effectively. It is a very well written post and I liked most of the reasons you have shared here to motivate bloggers. Keep sharing such posts.
Thank you for your comment! Keep blogging!