5 WP plug-in hacks
WordPress is used by most of the bloggers and other professional content writing services in India. WordPress is considered to be a database & PHP-based blogging tool and is most of the times hunted down by hackers. However, careful application of different plug-in can help you prevent hacking from hackers.
It is advised that users should not download any WordPress premium stuff which is mostly from sources which cannot be trusted. Sometimes, it ‘s hard to understand that a site has been hacked and hackers take full advantage of this by involving into unethical uses. However, when the point of discussion is increasing security related to WordPress, some of the basic rules may play an important part. These are as follows –
• WordPress Backup plug-in
• WordPress directory browsing to be secured.
• Perform recaptcha test
Few very useful WP plug-in hacks could be listed as follows –
Table of Contents
1. Anti – Malware & Brute – Force Security by ELI
This is one of the most effective tools for securing WP hacking and users must not think twice before installing it. It has a capability of detecting a possible hack very quickly and can fix the problem also. It performs a detailed scanning of the blog which is hacked against multiple threats.
Thereby, it displays the file which was affected due to hacking. Once activated the plug-in performs a scan for some time before actually doing the intended job.
2. WordPress Anti – Virus
This has almost been accepted universally as one of the best plug-in related to WordPress. This performs scanning of the WP theme for the purpose of WordPress permalink backdoor malware. The plug-in also will perform a detailed scan for all the related theme files which might be infected due to malware. The plug-in also performs a daily scan of the files & sends notification via email.
3. Acunetix WP Security
This is one of the premium security analyzer for WP. It checks WP for the presence of modified files. It also can be enhanced by hiding the data from WP. It is also able to give information related to unauthorised login attempts made to the site. The default WP database prefix could also be altered or changed by this tool.
4. Exploit Scanner
This is one of the most popular and well-known plug-ins. It can perform scanning of the WP files and also the database which seems to be affected. The detected files are displayed as base64 decode and hidden code by CSS. It is specifically useful for working with experts.
5. TAC
The full form of the tool is Theme Authenticity Checker. The main purpose of the tool is to check and scan all the WP related themes. The tool mainly checks these themes for probable presence of encrypted links. This type of link is such a link which is not visible in the theme file but is normally present when the blogs are loaded.
These are some of the best WP plug-in hacks. Try using these tools which will benefit you immensely in the long run.