5 Tips to Make Your Content More Interesting
Looking for tips to make your content more interesting???? Well, there are heaps of blogs and articles on the internet on this topic. And you will find that you have already jotted down a dozen tips collectively till you finish checking the first few sites suggested by Google on this.
See, the point is there are certain obvious tips such as relevance to the subject, compactness, clarity, usage of introduction, conclusion, etc. that are implicit for content writing. Numbering such tips will solely increase the number of tips, nothing else! Let’s try to explore a few simple yet concealed qualities of good and interesting content.
Table of Contents
1. Write A Humorous Narrative in A Casual, First-Person Voice
If you were to tell someone about the benefits of say, for example, running in the morning; you would not probably say “a friend of mine spends half an hour daily in the morning jogging, and he says that it helped him a lot regarding health and fitness”.
A statement such as, “I have been jogging daily in the morning, and I can bet that I am earning benefits from this habit, you can see for yourself”, will surely convince him more to follow you, wouldn’t it? There you go with a basic secret of interesting content.
Try to connect to your readers through your writings; don’t be afraid to include your humor in your writings. Write as if you are talking!
2. Incorporate Practical Examples, Figurative Languages
Think of this as a reader yourself. Suppose you want to access some information regarding a particular subject. You will have numerous sites on the internet helping you out. Content with a few practical examples in between along with images, gifs, videos is likely to attract you and keep you glued to it.
Metaphors and playful, figurative illustrations turn your otherwise boring subject into an interesting one. Remember this! It’s not a user manual that you are writing.
3. Write A Story With Jokes and Surprises
Stories, naturally, are more interesting than plain texts. People easily get bored or forget plain text. You need to cultivate the art of story-telling to be interesting. These stories can be anything: case studies, personal experiences, small fictional illustrations to make your readers understand an otherwise boring or complex subject (say an industry concept).
Also, always try to bring in surprises and jokes. Readers love to get a pleasant unexpected shock and occasional laughs in the course of their reading session. Don’t let your readers know what they are going to read in the next line.
4. Smart Transition
This is a tricky one for new writers. Mostly they steer abruptly from one topic to another, which is annoying for the readers. The easiest way to do this is to create visual cues- headlines, numbered list, etc.
Smart writers create transitions in the text itself, especially when they want to shift to another point as: “We now know the importance of good grip material for cricket bats, let’s see what role knocking of bats has to play.”
5. Foreshadow
Last, but not the least, is my personal favorite tip. Foreshadowing is a tool that writers use to escalate the interest of the reader in scrolling or turning pages to continue reading. An example is: “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes”- William Shakespeare, Macbeth.
The point is to give a direction to your content by making readers anticipate what happens next, but be clever enough not to give away the plot!