13 winning website traffic ideas – Updated for 2019!
People create a website to showcase their knowledge, offerings or to educate others. They develop many great contents with great information, data, and research. But, do all have proper website traffic ideas?
Why your website is not getting the desired traffic?
Where are all the people?
Why are they not clicking to your website?
Remember, you are not the only one who is writing or publishing content on that particular niche.
There are thousands out there and Google ranks them according to their algorithm and regulations.
Content marketing is the new stage of your business development, and you must create a winning content marketing strategy to kill all the odds and go to the top of the search engine ranking.
Nowadays, you do not want only traffic, you want targeted traffic that can convert into potential buyers of your services.
So, what is your targeted traffic? Before jumping into content marketing, you must have created a persona about the audience to whom you want to reach and to whom you want to target. These are the very specific audience who have the liking towards your services, or they are in need of your services.
These pre-qualified audiences can be your potential buyers, and they are your targeted audience.
It is not enough to have enough traffic to your website if they are not converting.
If you want to make money through your website, you want them to buy your services. But this will not happen overnight. You have to create a trust factor that your audiences will rely upon.
If you are able to provide them the valuable contents and a wide range of contents so that they can come back to your website again and again for the information, then one day certainly they will convert as your buyers.
Below we have listed 13 winning website traffic ideas that will help you to do so.
Table of Contents
#1 Learn SEO
SEO stands for search engine optimization, and you must be familiar with this term and how to implement this to your website. SEO helps to increase website traffic for fast.
Do not afraid to learn SEO. You must be able to create a content marketing strategy with a proper SEO plan, tactics, and techniques.
Also read our article on 21 resources to improve website performance.
#2 Publish Interactive Blog Posts
Content is king when but only when it offers valuable information. Create interactive contents. Ask questions and solve the problems as an expert in this field.
Give valuable insight to the topic and create contents that can relate to people that you want to target.
#3 Use pop-ups
When we browse through a website, pop-ups are annoying. But you need to use these pop-ups wisely.
If you have full control on where, when and how to use these, you are more likely to get more email subscribers.
Pop-ups remind your audience to sign up to know more, and they will only sign up if your content promises to offer more to them.
Although extensive use of pop-ups is irritating for the readers, however, wise use of pop-ups is still one of the best website traffic ideas. It helps to get traffic to your website free.
#4 Create A Forum
Not many of the websites nowadays have dedicated forum. This is a mistake. Create a forum that will create a sense of community where like-minded people on your niche can come and share their knowledge, opinion and can ask questions to get a better solution.
An active forum drives a lot of traffic to your website when people get to know that their questions will be answered over there by experts.
#5 Insert Keywords Wisely
Keywords are a very important and essential part of SEO. Insert keywords throughout your website. These are very important to increase website traffic for fast.
If you are not sure about the keywords, you can try some keywords finder tools that are available online.
Few of the highly used tools are Google suggest, SEO Book, Ubersuggest, KwFinder, SEMrush, and Wordtracker.
#6 Run A Contest
Running a contest on your website can bring in many traffics and list sign-ups. Run this type of contests several times/year but do not overdo it. Give away valuable prizes for the contest winners, and this will attract many.
#7 Create A Facebook Group
Creating a Facebook group on your business niche will allow many people to join in and share their thoughts and ideas. People will interact with you and will show more interests in your business and offerings.
#8 Publish Reports and Case Studies
People love to see reports on the problems that they are facing. You will give them your researched report in exchange for their email id and sign up, and this will bring in right traffic to your website.
But, these reports and case studies must be well researched so that the readers find some solutions from these.
#9 Be Active on Social Media
If you are not taking social media seriously yet for your content marketing strategy, this is the time. Be active on social media. Share valuable contents from your websites.
Write on your follower’s timelines, give solutions to their problems, leave some encouraging and motivating words, etc.
This will create a bonding with your potential audiences, and they will turn up to you when they are in need of any services that you offer on your website. It allows you to generate instant website traffic.
#10 Create A Newsletter
Once you have built an email list, create a newsletter.
In the newsletter, you may tell your readers what new content did you publish, or you can talk about the new services you are going to offer, or give them a notification on any such updates.
You can use tools like MailChimp to automate your newsletter program but always share great contents. Constant touch is very important, and a newsletter helps your audience to remember about your existence.
#11 Engaging Headlines
Creating engaging headlines is also one of the best website traffic ideas.
Only a long form of killer content will not attract people if your headline is dull. Create an engaging and killer headline that can create curiosity and eager to know more.
#12 Ask Questions in Your Headlines
Your headlines can be a question that can relate to your targeted audience. Make sure that the question you ask has a genuine meaning and you are capable of providing a proper solution to this problem. Then only your readers will click on it.
#13 Include Relevant Links
Do not think that including links from other websites will divert your audience. If you are capable of showing them additional content or information that can relate to their search queries, it will improve trust.
Moreover, if you link to other expert websites, it works as an outbound link and also a good SEO factor.
You can also link to your other articles on the same website, and this works as internal linking.
These are some of the best old-school website traffic ideas and if implemented properly, you will see a great deal of traffic coming to your website.